Schönmühlen Layout

Schönmühlen Layout
SKU: 81710
Manufacturer: Noch
Availability: Out of Stock
Product Info
 The "Schönmühlen" is a well accepted middle size layout with 2 circuits The tracks travel over 2 bridges and through 2 tunnels. Especially attractive is the village with a prefectly situated water mill. The small lake is situated at the edge of town to cool off in. One road leads to the train station and the other into a valley. You add the NOCH water pump to allow real water to flow into mill and turn the wheel. A passing siding and a storage track for your freight goods is also on the layout. Delivery Form: - Basic colours and grass applied - Mounted on stable wood frame - vorgeschnittene Tunnelunterlagen - H0 Bridge Kit - Track Plan for: Märklin C, Märklin Metall, Märklin K, Fleischmann Model, Fleischmann Profi, Roco-Line, TT-Model Track, N Scale KATO Unitrack Set 79710