Level Crossing with Decorated Barriers

Level Crossing with Decorated Barriers
SKU: 5107
Availability: Out of Stock
Product Info

Level crossing with decorated barriers, fully automatic, as 5104 but mirrored model

With mirrored printing to build a four arm barrier in connection with item-No. 5104. Level crossing equipped with two underfloor driven railway gates, each with filigree curtain and chime dummy. The drives enable prototypically slow opening and closing of the barrier. The road may across any number of tracks. Pieces for track fulfilling, ramps and printed traffic signs are included. Switching tracks or the Viessmann switching contacts item-No. 6840 are required for automatic operation. In double track, also the electronic relay item-No. 5552 is needed. Length of a barrier arm is about 63 mm. Information on these offers the Viessmann signalbook item-No. 5299.